
Sérgio Farias de Souza Filho


Tyler Burge is famous for defending primitivist naturalism about mental representations, according to which mental representations are primitive natural states. Primitivist naturalism contrasts with semantic reductionism, according to which mental representations are reducible to more fundamental natural states. Burge developed the most compelling and influential attack on semantic reductionism from a primitivist naturalist point of view. My goal in this paper is to defend semantic reductionism from Burge’s attack. I assess and refute his objection to the motivations for semantic reductionism and his objection to the semantic reductionist theory that he takes to be the most promising one, namely, teleosemantics. I argue that in spite of the ingenuity of Burge’s objections, they fail to show that there is no motivation for taking representational states as reducible to more fundamental natural states or that the core thesis of teleosemantics is flawed.


Full reference

de Souza Filho, S.F. A Teleosemantic Response to Burge’s Attack on Semantic Reductionism. Erkenntnis (2024).